Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Some Random Facts about Facebook

Some Random Facts about Facebook

Not a viral infection, much less a social evil but potent enough to make you catch the fever that’s currently taking the online world by storm. However, to the young at heart, randomness is an in thing since time immemorial; while some might blame it on a rather finicky nature, but it’s no set norm that preferences must stay the same throughout one’s entire life. Hence topics like 25 random things make the headlines and within that parentheses comes anything - facts, goals, habits – you name it, it’s there! However, it won’t be wrong if the cynics call it a multi-level marketing policy, but is there anything wrong in asking like-minded people to join the league? We guess not; in fact, that’s how integrity is established.


So pop arrives the Facebook notification – either in your inbox or on the Facebook wall; all you need to do is follow instructions and list your most preferred 25 things. You end by tagging another 25 people into it. And be rest assured, it is not a chain letter; it never expires even if someone doesn’t respond to an invitation. But what made Facebook clutch on to this policy? Let’s mention just two vital points and a turnaround here is far from playing an unfair game.

1. Facebook makes you believe the world is eager to know what you hid or left in your personal locker.

2. Fact remains that the world has got better things to do.

3. If you think Facebook is your tool to spy on your kids, you may be surprised to know that it is indeed!

4. You just respect the privacy of your kids.

5. An exception to the rule is if you want to verify your suspicion regarding the straight or gay activities he or she is involved into, for providing visual satisfaction to her friends.

6. Facebook features a heart icon that’s handy for announcing a divorce.

7. It’s sensible not to do so for you never know how many other Facebook users shall respond sympathizing publicly. Consolations and shouting don’t go together.

8. For most, Facebook is a serious affair.

9. Facebook can threaten your life. There had been an instance of a woman being killed after she changed her relationship status.

10. Free and discount offers don’t make much sense if you’ve to dump your existing friends to win one. The Whopper Sacrifice from Burger King is an example; you dump all but two very old friends and they are vegetarians. Certainly, you can’t go much far and they may even put a stigma of promoting animal cruelty upon you.

11. Facebook mark your trails. What if you meet someone who’s waiting to avenge you for the past 10 years because you stole his girl?

12. Facebook can result in a job loss. Your workplace doesn’t pay you for creating a personal profile and online socializing.

13. If your boss is a Facebook addict, you are bound to get a friend request. Accept it or deny; you are jacked both ways.

14. Facebook is a fertile ground for scamming. Why should a rich widow from Nigeria select only you with an unique, prosperous offer? You accept it and you are bankrupt; well, almost.

15. Facebook respects Your Privacy. That’s why the Tooth Fairy befriends the Easter Bunny.

16. Connect Facebook with Twitter accounts and annoying messages can spoil your day.

17. You don’t need someone posting your silly photos from your high school era.
Well, though we are eight-short, but the message is loud and clear. The list of cons can go on and on; however, it’s not impossible of two like-minded people knowing and discovering each other but at best, pros weigh against the cons on a 50-50 basis, if not less. Therefore, whatever you post and whatever you read, both require an intense scrutiny; it’s a good thing to believe but not trust. For as they say, there’s many a slip between the…? Real and virtual world.

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